Sundar Dam is known as the biggest reservoir of Godda district. This dam is situated on the banks of Raja Pokhar village in Rajabhitha area in the north-eastern part of Godda district. This dam reduces the water problem of farmers of an area of about 25 km.
This Sundar Dam was constructed between 1970 and 1978. After the construction work was over, all the big damaged vehicles were left in the areas around the dam. Its remains can be seen even today.
Sunder Dam is the only dam in Gedda district, which has proved to be the biggest and beneficial. The depth of this dam is said to be about 75 feet. Nobody knows how true it is.
The main reason for selecting this place at the time of construction of this dam was that there are mountains on all three sides of Sundar Dam. Due to which the shortage of water can be easily met. All the rain water coming from the mountains is collected in this dam.
Which is used for farming. Hundreds of villages are included in the area of 25 kilometers from this dam. Water is used for irrigation by making canals to all the villages around Mahagama and Pathargama.

Importance of Sundar Dam Godda
The existence of Sundar Dam has benefited the farmers in many ways for farming. Apart from this, the water of this dam is used through pipes to overcome the shortage of water in the cities. Also, it has become a means of employment for the unemployed people around Sundar Dam.
By catching fish in Sundar Dam and selling it in the nearby markets and many huts, people are improving their livelihood and economic condition. Due to which those who were illiterate and helpless also got a chance to improve their livelihood.
This Sundar Dam brings fire to the stove in the houses of many people. And the best thing is that due to this dam, there is no shortage of water for farming in some areas of Godda district.
History of Sundar Dam
This Sundar Dam was constructed by the Government of India between 1970-78. This dam is built on the Sundar River. If we believe the mythological beliefs, then the local people say that the Sundar River is a holy river. Which meets the river Ganga.
Due to which people take bath in Sundar river and do their worship. Many temples are seen near Sundar river, which can be seen on Sundar river and in its premises while going from Mahagama to Godda road. That is why when this dam was constructed, it was named after this river, Sundar Dam.
Background of construction
This Sundar dam took about 8 years to build. The embankment of this dam is about 2 kilometers long. In which it has been strengthened by making stone walls. Many trees and plants are planted on the embankment.
The big stones that have been found in the construction of the dam can still be seen today. There is a gate in this dam, through which water is released. So that the dam never breaks. Apart from this, a sitka has been built.
In this, due to excess water of the dam, it jumps out. So that the dam never breaks and there is no harm to the residents here. Sundar Dam is spread over about 900 acres.
This estimate is approximately, in reality it can be more than this. Many local people are settled around this dam. There are many villages. Who are running their livelihood due to this dam.

Planning and initial development
Many types of plans have been provided by the government to develop this Sundar Dam. Many times inspection teams are sent to inspect it for its repair.
A road was built for its development so that tourists do not have any problem in coming here. Development work can be seen in all the surrounding villages.
Despite being in a hilly area, this Sundar Dam does not look like a jungle due to the development work done here. Two wheelers and four wheelers, small or big vehicles can be used to see here.
Important dates
Sundar Dam is the best picnic spot for tourists. There is maximum crowd here on 1st January. Thousands of people from far and wide come to Sunder Dam to celebrate picnics. Many people come here to have fun. Football competitions are organized here.
This event is organized on Siddo-Kanhu’s birthday. On other days, you will not see crowds when you go to Sunder Dam. All you will see are fishermen catching fish.
Geography and environment
Sundar Dam is surrounded by mountains on all three sides. To reach here, you can reach through Kushumghati route via Rajabhita. There are many villages settled around the Sundar Dam. In which people of other castes besides tribals reside.
The environment here remains very clean. The water of Sundar Dam decreases during summer days. The main reason for this is to remove the shortage of water in the surrounding areas.
There is a possibility of some trouble in coming here during summer days. But you can come here during cold and rainy season. Water fills up here during rainy days.
More Tourist Place in Godda District:
- Detailed Guide to Yogini Shakti Peeth Temple, Godda District
- The Bio Diversity Park | Godda District a Precious Heritage.
Natural beauty and biodiversity
Due to the mountains and forests around Sundar Dam, many types of small and big animals can be seen here. Being a forest area, thousands of species of birds can be seen here on Sundar Dam. Ducks are seen swimming in the water the most here.
Talking about beauty, greenery is seen all around Sundar Dam. The weather remains calm. The shade of tall trees of the mountains is spread till the banks of the dam.
Big stones are visible inside and outside the water of the dam. These stones are broken and made into many shapes and sold in the nearby markets. Which looks beautiful.

Construction technique and material
Big vehicles were used in the construction of Sundar Dam. This is evident from the remains of many vehicles located here. Some rumors are also spread about it. It is said that the engineer was changed many times during the construction of this dam.
This is not seen in written form anywhere. All the evidence was taken with them as soon as the construction work was completed. The local people here do not have any kind of information. When asked by the local people, no one is able to tell about Sundar Dam.
Those people say that this construction work was done in the times of our grandfathers and great grandfathers, so there is no information.
Water Management
The water management in this Sundar Dam is done through rain water. Rain water comes to this Sundar Dam from an area of about 20 to 25 kilometers. This area collects rain water flowing from the mountains on all three sides of Sundar Dam.
Which comes from the mountains of east, north and south direction. All the villages situated to the west of this dam use this water.
This Sundar Dam works as a life-giving work for the farmers. The water of this dam is used for irrigation and household work.
Economic impact of Sundar Dam
The poor farmers here have benefited a lot after the construction of Sundar Dam. It is as if Mother Ganga is helping them. Apart from this, the local people here have reduced the financial crisis in their lives by trading fish on the dam.
The economic condition of the place is improving due to the people coming here buying from the local shops. Unemployed people have got employment due to the dam. Be it any job.
Apart from this, the local people are earning their livelihood by breaking the big stones which were removed for the construction of Sundar Dam and making other things from them and selling them in the local market.

Benefits to farmers
The farmers have increased their productivity by doing irrigation and agriculture work with the water of Sundar Dam. For agriculture work, this Sundar Dam is working like a life-giving mother. Due to this dam, the local farmers produce many types of crops.
These include: paddy, wheat, jowar, millet, corn, mustard, pigeon pea, gram, lentils and all types of green vegetables. Due to which the farmers are living a happy life.
Sundar Dam for tourists
Sundar Dam can be an excellent place for tourists to celebrate a picnic. A road has been constructed to reach here. Earlier, only motorbikes were used to reach here, but today there are many ways to reach here.
The maximum crowd is seen here on 1st January. Everyone comes to this place to celebrate New Year and double their happiness. Along with celebrating picnic in New Year, songs are played on many big sound systems i.e.
DJ for fun. Which looks like a big fair. So if you want to visit Sundar Dam, then it can be good to come here on any special festival. In which you can also enjoy boating.
Safety and maintenance
Since this Sundar Dam is situated in a forest and hilly area, take care of your own safety here. Do not do any kind of careless work which may cause trouble to the tribals and local people here, otherwise you may get into trouble.
However, the people around Sundar Dam may behave well with you. It depends on your behavior. Entering the dam alone is also a kind of being unsafe. Because the water of the dam never dries up.
So there are big fishes present in this dam, so there can be danger from them. Or there can be danger from wild animals as well.
Challenges and problems
If you want to visit Sundar Dam, then there is a possibility of many problems. Because there are no shops of any kind in the dam premises. Where you can buy and eat something if you feel hungry. So whatever food and drink you have, bring it with you or buy it from the local market.
There is no means of staying here either. Neither is there any hotel or restaurant. So leave before nightfall or evening. However, this facility may be available in the city.
Myths and Truths Related to Sundar Dam
- Myth: Local people believed that dams are harmful to the environment.
- Truth: But if the dam is designed and constructed properly, then dams are not harmful to the environment but are beneficial.
- Myth: This dam benefits only big industries.
- Truth: Dams benefit not only big industries but also farmers, rural communities and urban areas. Dams play an important role in irrigation, drinking water supply.
- Myth: Local people believed that dams always cause floods.
- Truth: But this is not so, due to this dam, there have been no floods here till date.
Some questions related to Sundar Dam
1. What is the importance of Sundar Dam Godda?
This Sundar Dam has proved to be a boon for the farmers.
2. When and how was this dam built?
This dam was completed between 1970-78. This dam is said to have been built by the Government of India.
3. Which are the tourist places around Sundar Dam?
Godda Biodiversity Park and Maa Yogini Shakti Peeth which are located just a few kilometers away.
4. Are water sports facilities available in Sundar Dam?
No, there are no water sports facilities in Sundar Dam.
5. What is the impact of Sundar Dam on agriculture?
Sunder Dam is like a boon for farmers. Which works like a mother Ganga.
6. Does Sundar Dam provide local employment opportunities?
Yes, Sundar Dam provides local employment opportunities.